Title: So You Had a Bad Day
Author: Jen
Pairing: Anderson/Dan
Rating: NC-17...smut and fluff…
Summary: For
aelora who had a bad day and needed some Anderdan comfort fic.
Disclaimer:Disclaimer: Any similarity between the fictional version of the person portrayed here and the actual person is purely coincidental. This is a work of fiction. This is not an attempt to defame the character of said person on the basis of libel, as the work is FICTIONAL (and NOT an intently false statement created with the express purpose of misleading others about the actual character of said person).
Any mention of 'AC 360', 'Verdict with Dan Abrams', 'MSNBC', 'CNN', 'NBC', any associated entities, or any copyrighted material pertaining therein is reasonably protected by the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976, and is not intended to infringe upon any copyrighted material.
The soft voice from his door brought Dan’s face up, and for the first time that day a small smile crept over Dan’s features. “Today sucks.”