Title: The Heart of Lincoln County Author: darkfaery1 Chapter: 16/16 Series: TDS/TCR/The O'Reilly Factor Genre: Western AU Beta/cheerleader: insanekhtChapter pairings: Jon/"Stephen," John/Amy, Steve/Tad
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Yay! And also boo for being over. So glad everyone is together and happy. Stephen is so sweet now. Can't say much more because TDS, I mean ADS, is on now.
(One thing: I think you mean "blintzes," not "blitzes.")
Oh, it's over! Such a good ending but I'm so sorry there'll be no more.
You write Stephen so well; "Nobody's going to believe I wouldn't want to flaunt my wealth by building the nicest house in town", "You're positively virginal"
All the couples are so sweet. I loved this story--thanks so much for writing it for us.
I know, I'm so sad too! Thank you so much for all your nice comments. I really love writing for all these characters, so this probably isn't the end. I just need to troll Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie for some likely plots for a sequel. =)
Did you hear a loud squeal a while ago? Yeah, that was me when I saw this on my f-list.
I adore this fic. I'm still worried about Tad and Steve tho... it was one of those "everything isnt okay, but there's progress" which I like, but Tad's depression scares me. I wanna know if he's okay. Which means you have to keep writing Tad and Steve in this verse for, like, ever. K?
Did you hear a loud squeal a while ago? Yeah, that was me when I saw this on my f-list.
Oh, so that's what that ear-piercing sound was. =)
I'm worried about Tad and Steve too. I have some ideas, but just not a complete plot yet. I would love to write about them forever. They are totally OTP.
Hee, well, to quote a great writer, "The best thing about it is that I didn't have to write it!!" ;) Which, of course, is not true. The best part was that it's amazing, as I knew it would be.
Comments 44
(One thing: I think you mean "blintzes," not "blitzes.")
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm kinda sad that it's over, but I hope to be inspired for a sequel.
You write Stephen so well; "Nobody's going to believe I wouldn't want to flaunt my wealth by building the nicest house in town", "You're positively virginal"
All the couples are so sweet. I loved this story--thanks so much for writing it for us.
I adore this fic. I'm still worried about Tad and Steve tho... it was one of those "everything isnt okay, but there's progress" which I like, but Tad's depression scares me. I wanna know if he's okay. Which means you have to keep writing Tad and Steve in this verse for, like, ever. K?
*throws confetti and cookies and puppies*
Oh, so that's what that ear-piercing sound was. =)
I'm worried about Tad and Steve too. I have some ideas, but just not a complete plot yet. I would love to write about them forever. They are totally OTP.
*throws confetti and cookies and puppies*
*ducks under table, but appreciates the thought*
*ducks under table, but appreciates the thought*
You make me blush, thank you.
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