Title: Apocalypse! Alien Asteroids
Author: The Artful Dodger /
dodger_sisterFandom: Real Person/The X-Files/The Avengers
Category: Action/Adventure, Altered Reality, Crossover, Drama, Gen
Characters/Pairing: Neil deGrasse Tyson, The Lone Gunmen, Scully, Natasha, Clint, various OCs, plus etc.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, Violence, Apocalyptic Themes, Character Death and blatant abuse of pop culture references.
Disclaimer: None of these people/characters/movies/TV shows belong to me. Nor does the SyFy channel. This never happened and I am making no money off it.
Summary: Asteroids are hitting the earth at an alarming rate and Neil really wishes he had never answered his phone.
Word Count: 25,629 words.
Master Post with art and podfic link here.
It was a Thursday night and Neil was sitting in his living room, reclining in his barcalounger, waiting for The Daily Show to come on.