Title: Five Men Stephen Almost Accidentally Married
Rating: PG-13
Characters/pairings: "Stephen"/various (Jonathan, Steve, Ellen, OC, Jon, Tad)
Disclaimer: #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement. Characters belong to the Report. Names of real people are used in a fictitious context, and all dialogue, actions, and content are products of the author's imagination only.
Every time same-sex marriage reaches another milestone, "Stephen" almost marries some dude. (And Ellen DeGeneres that one time.)
Refers to the
recent incident with Tad and the epic
plan to ruin same-sex marriage. The
Universal Life Church is an actual thing, for which you can become a legally ordained minister for free over email if you are so inclined.
Comes with
matching art!
( Steve was in Massachusetts visiting family, but Stephen showed up to film...something. He forgets what. And he lost his field producer somewhere along the way, so he can't even yell at her for letting it slip his mind. )