Title: Five Times Stephen Got A Green Light
Rating: R
Contents: Sex, D/s, forced femme, bondage, post-roleplay aftercare, language
Characters/pairings: Liberal!"Stephen"/Jon
Disclaimer: The Report characters and their universe are property of Stephen Colbert, the other Report writers, and I presume Viacom. The real person(s) are used in a fictional parody context.
Fic from TCR's
liberal mirrorverse. In which Stephen is still not quite comfortable with kinking on being a Dom, and Jon provides constant reassurance via the
stoplight-based safeword system.
This poor fic has been languishing half-finished for aaaaaages, until
a certain recent sequence made it fall into place.
( Stephen drops both the half-tied knot around Jon's ankle and the heavy bondage manual he had been consulting while tying it. )