Title: The Hour of the Monkey
Rating: G
Pairings: Keith/Anderson
Summary: Keith can make Anderson think he's been getting the color of the sky wrong all these years based on one innocuous comment about swamp gas and color-blindness.
Disclaimer: All television shows and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
favabean05 who is doing me a MASSIVE nerdy favor so I don't have to get my ass up at some ungodly (to me) hour to find a goddamn magic quill. Thanks babe! Hope you like it!.
Thanks to my beta
sarken who put spit and polish and what not on this.
Anderson has a finger in his ear and one eye on the television when his office door swings open