Title: Broccoli Is Good But Love Is Better Author: Politicette & Themistoklis Character/Pairing: Jon/Stephen, Jimmy Fallon Rating: G Disclaimer: ( Disclaimer. )
Hey, little Jimmy worked very hard on that storm trooper helmet, but he did not plan for visibility very well. After the third time he STORMS into Tina, Mr. Obama very gently takes the bucket off his head and suggests he sing a song to cheer Stevie up. Jimmy makes up a song about the peanut butter crackers they had for snack, but as usual he cannot get through the whole song without breaking down in giggles several times.
Mr. Emanuel is totally either the school counselor or a little boy in Ms. Pelosi's class who has a total crush on her and always volunteers to be her teacher's helper/watch the class when she is out.
(I love drake's original too, but all the links here & on the DW post only go to the same first fic?)
Also, I made this for you out of macaroni: Lonely!Stevie & STORMING!Jimmy
They do? CURSES. My ctrl-c must have failed. I will fix it.
That is ADORABLE and you are ADORABLE!
(and thanks! :3)
Though man, it must be hard to storm with a bucket on your head. :33
ALSO ALSO what class does Mr. Emanuel teach??
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