Series: TDS, TCR
Pairing: Jon/Stephen
Rating: PG-13 (Language)
ntjnke Disclaimer:
All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Authors Note(s): Yay for another chapter. Let me know if you see any heinous typos, as I don't have a beta for this.
Summary: Stephen may just have gotten in over his head.
Part 1,
Part 2 The Devil is in the Details, Part 3/?
"You know, this really isn't the end of the world."
As if to spite him, Maggie took a running leap off the coffee table. Thankfully, she landed on a discarded sofa cushion. Nate, bouncing on a giant rubber ball, clapped his hands and cheered at her acrobatics. For siblings, they were still remarkably close.
"Stephen, just…stop…give me the damn Dora already." Obediently, Stephen handed over the much-abused doll and smirked at his frazzled friend.
"I'm just saying. You called me over here like your house was on fire, and now I'm finding out that you were just left alone with babysitting duty all weekend? That was what caused the raw fear I heard in your voice?" Shifting the protesting toddler from one hip to another, he blew a raspberry at his best friend. "Pussy."
"What? Maggie-kins here knows that pussy is a perfectly acceptable term for an adorable cat. Isn't it, Mag-pie? Who's the cutest Stewart in the whole world?" At Maggie's peal of laughter, Stephen headed towards the bathroom with his captive, intent of getting her into the bath and clean set of nightclothes. "Be sure to call if the living room becomes too much. I left my cell phone number on the fridge."
The thing Stephen loved most about Jon's kids is that they had absolutely no inhibitions. They seized every minute of joy they could, and usually sang while they did so. It was an assholish thought, but it absolutely floored Stephen sometimes that they were Jon's kids. The minute he set her down, Maggie was stripping off her pink one piece and humming a song. His kids were too old for him to recognize the melody, but from its simplicity and catchiness, he guessed it was the theme of her favorite show.
"Now, Mag-Princess, what's the plan?"
"Exactly. You are brilliant. Now, which shampoo should we use?"
A few minutes of setup, and then Stephen was doing guard duty over the tub while the little girl lathered up using a bird-shaped piece of soap and sang a random song to her heart's content. He was sure it was a sign that he was getting old, but he missed when his daughter had been young enough to just trust him like this.
"Mr. Stephen?" He looked over to see Maggie propped against the side of the tub, her chin resting on her arms.
"Yes, Mag-dorable?"
"I don't like Dora anymore! She's for babies." Having lodged her protest, she sat back in the tub. "Are you going to stay with us forever?"
"Why would you think that, Mags?" Sitting on the side of the tub to be at eye-level with her, Stephen gave her a very serious look.
"Who's gonna take care of Daddy now that Mommy lives away?"
Well, shit. From the mouths of babes. Running a hand over her damp hair, Stephen smiled and did his best to look self-assured. "I'm sure your Mommy and Daddy have a plan Mag-nolia. It's all gonna be fine."
The little girl looked away from him and at her bath water. Stephen was terrified of what she'd come up with next.
"If Nate calls you, will you come visit?"
"Hon, if anyone calls me, I'll be here if an Jif." He kissed the girl on the forehead. When she startled to giggle, he thought he'd managed to put her at ease.
"You missed one!"
"Hon isn't a Maggie word! You gotta sing for me now!"
Launching into his 5th children’s song of the night, Stephen ruefully thought that Maggie was definitely Jon's kid after all.
"See? Not so bad." Stephen leaned against the hallway wall and watched his friend check on his kids one last time. His teasing was met with a rueful smile as Jon rubbed the back of his neck. He looked exhausted.
"I-thank you, man. I know it was short notice and you probably had a hundred other things to do, but…"
"No problem, Jon. I'm not so fabulously wealthy and famous yet that I can't help the likes of you." Jon's half-hearted punch, when it came, made him feel better. At least he was up to joking.
"So, when did you say Tracey was coming back from her trip?" Trying to be nonchalant, Stephen started tossing things into his bookbag.
"Monday night. Her sister will watch the kids while I'm at work."
"Must've been nice. A little pre-fall vacation."
"Well, she said it was a great trip. Who was I to say she shouldn't go?" Zipping up his fleece, Stephen watched Jon load dishes into the dishwasher as he casually lied to his best friend. Never, in a million years, would Stephen have guessed him to be this good of a liar.
"Well, anything else you need from the Stephen-express?" Stephen bounced on his toes and swung his car keys around his index finger. "Any deep secrets you want to share with me before bedtime."
That line got a slight tightening around Jon's shoulders, which he hid as an exaggerated stretch. "No, man. Just, thanks again for coming over. " Seeing that his friend was ready to go, Jon put the dish towel on his shoulder and walked Stephen to the front door. "Drive home carefully and send me a text to let me know you got home alright."
"Yes, mother."
"Damn straight."
"Fuck you."
As the elevator doors shut, Stephen realized that the two of them had the most bizarrely loving and broken friendship.
From: Henry Geir (
To: Sid Berle Makes My Head Hurt (
Sent: Sun, 8/03/10 12:40 AM
Subject: I got it!.
Hi Jon!
I wanted to let you know that I contacted Cindi Langsin like you recommended, and she's going to come see my set Wednesday night! Thank you so much for the recommendation. Really, as soon as I get paid, I'm sending you (cheap) flowers and a great big (Hershey's) kiss.
How are you? Did Tracey move out? Are the kids doing alright? How are you dealing? Feel free to vent in my general direction. Hopefully, the last few convos have helped.
Also, on a completely random note, my friend just got an internship with The Colbert Report, and she's torn between doing what's supposed to be an awesome gig and staying here in LA to work some connections. Do you really know that Colbert guy? What do you think he's like?
E-mail me anytime. I have a crackberry and am not ashamed to use it,
Hank Geir