Title: The Killing Dragon (4)
Fandom: Big Bang
Pairing/Characters: GTOP, YoungRi, Jiyong, Seunghyun, Youngbae, Daesung, Seungri, Yesung(SuJu), Eunhyuk(SuJu), Heechul(SuJu), Hangeng(SuJu), Donghae(SuJu)
Warning: Romance(slash), killing, death, swearing, gang related violence
Summary: Choi Seunghyun was the leader of the notorious gang BIG BANG.
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Ji=GD the Killer=Officer Kwon /dies
I officially love you! xD
Inspiration. Off to write a new fic now~
Thanks for the love, the read, and the comment!
AND OMIGAWD THANK YOU FOR ALL THE INFORMATION YOU SENT ME EARLIER~! I would have replied, but I wasn't allowed to send you a PM...
No Problem~! I would have sent you a BUNCH more, but my memory has been sucky lately xD
Actually... A suit like that doesn't sound bad... Especially for this story...
The suit is one of those things only Tabi could wear and still manage to be breathtakingly sexy while staring into a camera. x3 I am sorry, I've become very Tabi-Bias lately.
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