And, with the end of the weekend...

Sep 07, 2004 14:58

...the summer of '04 passed into memory

Oh, what little I accomplished this summer. I *did* manage to exercise a whole bunch because the weather stayed nice and cool. Oh, and I went swimming in Lake Michigan for the first time EVER and I didn't get herps or any bizarre diseases.

Saturday night I had some friends over for movies and booze. I'm pretty sure I embarrassed myself by drinking way too much and passing out by midnight. I don't remember my friends leaving, but when I woke up I found they had left a porno in the DVD player, paused on the ever-hilarious "money shot." I don't own porn because I get off on watching them...I just think they're hilarious to watch with a bunch of friends that are as perverted as I am.

My friend Dave put my coffee way up on the top shelf in my pantry so I had to get my hung over ass up on a chair (I'm only 5'1") to get it down. I'm gonna punch him in the cock next time I see him for that one :)

Is it wrong to want a "neighborhoodie" that says "YOUR MOM'S ASS" on it? I think that would be hilarious. Besides, it just looks better than "WEST LOOP."
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