For whatever reason, the following are really chapping my hide lately:
- People who throw themselves on the sword of workplace martyrdom* -- part of a lifelong pet peeve I suppose, I mean, academic martyrdom was in many ways equally annoying, but at least we had the excuse that we were young and dumb. Because work does not care about you. And you are replaceable. So why not carve out time in your week to spend with people who don't find you quite so replaceable? Work will work you until you explode like the tadpole I bought for my second grade class. (Apparently, tadpoles will eat until they explode.)
- The phrase "personal responsibility." I'm Ms. Self-Sufficiency Cheerleader, but more often than not it's part of a larger rant featuring rampant victim-blaming and BOOTSTRAPS! BOOOOTSTRAPS!-rhetoric
But the following are both exciting prospects, of varying magnitude:
- I have been in a sewing mood lately -- although my skills as a seamstress are rather basic, they aren't as bad as they once were -- and I've been mulling over how I can justify the purchase of certain kickass fabric I saw at the store this week. Plus, it being August in DC, it's a frillion degrees and I'm all OMGsundresssundresssundress. PROJECT!
- Not sure if I've mentioned it here or not, but I am starting the process of condo purchasing. I still don't know how much financing I can get, but my realtor sent me 30 listings to look through the other day and I got suuuper excited.
One of my fave living rooms.
* I should make it clear at this juncture that I'm in no way talking about people whose workplaces are downsized and suddenly they're doing the job of, like, 10 other people. Or people whose workplace cultures operate on the "Abandoning all pretense of a life apart from work and falling all over yourself to work a massive amount of hours is the LEAST you can do to show the company that you're worth anything as an employee" -- that would not be my cup of tea, but if everyone else is doing it, then ::shrug:: you kind of have to, y'know? I wouldn't want to work in a place like that, but I'm not every person.
I'm irked by the ZOMG!I must stay stupidly late out of deference to the fact that this thing that I'm dealing with is a BIG HUGE CRISIS (even though others don't see the need and even though I, personally, can do nothing to alleviate this unless, magically, stressing will solve the problem) and then be crabby about it and emphasize how stressed I am. REALLY?