This month ran away with me. It went by so fast, and I think that has a lot to do with the fact everything's been very busy here. We're in the process of looking for a new house, which means making the trip to L.A. every other day to look at new places and there's always something wrong, but we're packing at the same time because there are issues with this house, too, and we need to get out as soon as possible, so there is a lot of pressure and stress just from that. Add to that my usual host of issues, my continued lack of employment and a delay in my writing (my own fault), and I'm not a happy camper. And the weird thing is, it doesn't seem like it's been that bad a month, except that I've just been exceptionally stressed out and off-kilter.
To make matters worse, I am under the impression that people have been upset with me (to be fair, this comes and goes pretty often, but). I know that's not entirely unfounded, although some things have been resolved and others are largely vague impressions and, quite probably, paranoia on my part, especially since it seems like everyone's just super antsy this month. That said, if it isn't me imagining things, I would ask that, in the future, if you take issue with anything I do, that you please talk to me about it? I'm flexible, I'm amenable to change, I'm open to discussion, I'm happy to explain my position on whatever at the drop of a pin. If something really bothers you, speak to me, please. I know that isn't always easy, but I promise I don't bite. I may debate, but I listen. And that isn't specific to now, this is a blanket statement that, while I feel it should be obvious, bears saying. I really hate feeling I've disappointed or hurt anybody, even if it's all in my head and a product of my weird guilt issues, and if there's anything I can do to make this game better or more fun for the people who play off me, please tell me, I want to be able to do it.
And for the sake of communication, I'll say again, irrational or not, tagdumping makes me freak out. Sometimes I just get grouchy and that's okay, but at times of high stress (such as this), it's been known to make me actually panic - and not just flail around, but the kind of panic where I get dizzy and can't breathe. I know this is foolish and extreme, but it is an unfortunate fact (mostly because things like that just wind up being the slim last straw in a great pile of problems), so I ask once again that this be taken into consideration and some small measure of space be given between tags in a dump, even if it's only a matter of minutes.
Other things: I need to narrow down my number of threads so I can focus on a) packing, b) writing and c) the new month and the million plots in which I've become embroiled, so I'll probably be dropping a few threads over the next couple days. Let me know if there's anything you'd prefer be dropped OR not dropped, thank yoooou. Now that I'm done whining, onto my pups, which is what everyone came here for.
Slow month for Vee. I didn't get in any threads for her until these last couple days. There are times I strongly consider dropping her, because I feel I play her too little to do her real justice. She has very little going on and I fail to do much even with that. She needs to thread more with her father, with her boyfriend, with the dozen old friends she still has on the island, and I fall down on that every single month. That said, I really love her as a character, I feel I've brought her a long way and that there's still a lot I could do with her if I gave her the time she deserves. To this end, I still want to give her that item I've been banking on for a year, but not until after I have moved. Once we're settled in the new house, I'll contact those affected, and this will probably happen in a private post, most likely in April or May. Also Leah, we should set up another thread soon, I think, so they can work on the idea of her and Sam moving in and how that'll work and what it'll mean, yeah? Because I think she's down for it, it's just one of those things she approaches with extreme caution.
I'd also like to do a rewatch. The entire series would be ideal, but I'd settle for a quick viewing party of favorite episodes, because I am awful about sitting myself down to actually watch something, so I feel like if I schedule a time and a set of episodes, I'm more likely to do it because there will be a group. So is anyone interested in watching with me? I was thinking some classic s1 episodes, like the pilot, maybe "The Wrath of Con" and "An Echolls Family Christmas," "Weapons of Class Destruction," definitely the finale so I can prep this item. We don't have to do all of them or we could do multiple days? Anyway, let me know if you'd watch with me sometime in the next few weeks, I'd love that.
UPCOMING: An item eventually. Hopefully an EP soon because it's been a while, but since I lag the most with her tags, I will probably leave that until after the move is done so I don't wind up dropping every thread early.
I fully meant to EP her this month and did not, so she needs to be priority next month. That said, I got in a few great threads with her. I loved having her meet more new people. I just need to keep tagging them, because she's great at meetings and then I sort of fail to keep anything up, but she really hit it off with Jason, I think, and she liked Lily a lot, so I definitely want to do more with them and others.
UPCOMING: No idea. I'd love for her to make more friends or just meet more people. I want to consider her directing a short play just as an amateur group exercise, maybe? Or, I don't know, just finding friends with whom they can fuck around with the text, you know? Sit around and read out scenes for kicks, because she really likes being in the middle of things like that. I think it makes her more comfortable to pretend to be someone else.
HOMEPLOT: n/a. She was meant to be on Heroes homeplot, but I'm so swamped and this is an action-heavy, large-group dynamic I'd hate to hold up, so it's just better for me if I sit it out after all.
Plot coming out of her goddamn ears. I actually didn't play her all that much this month because I was mostly dealing with fallout from the space station plot (thank you again, Scott, ENDLESS PLOT, you're beautiful) and then pre-playing homeplot, so she was busy, just not in a very public manner. I'm deeply excited about her always, you guys. This is probably the least I've had to say about her in two years, but I'm still excited. I think mostly it's that everything that's coming up kind of unfolds from itself and a) if I start, I'll go on forever and b) I almost don't want to tell all because it'll be great, you should read it. Also I'll probably babble enough when things start happening, but short version, for now, is that we'll be taking advantage of the dream state of homeplot to leave Sean and Meredith in the Seventies his world for a considerable amount of time. Plot forever.
UPCOMING: An EP before shit goes down for homeplot, since that'll probably mess with her and she's in a pretty good place right now, so enjoy it while it lasts, etc. etc. At least, I'm hoping to EP her.
Is Emma. Having an interesting chat with McCoy, which is an interesting balance for her, has met Cissie and taken an Interest (RUN) and the same goes for Miranda. Just keep giving me your teens, nom nom. I wish I could post her doing her ethics class, but I don't think I'm at all intellectually equipped, so it's for the best I not inflict that on everyone. It's difficult with her because she doesn't take to people easily and a lot of people, I think, shy away from tagging someone like that, but seriously, guys, gimme your people. It's always a toss up whether she's going to care enough to be more than the status quo level of bitchy or if she'll actually like someone, but I think she's a pretty interesting character either way, even if no one comes out of a thread all HA HA, BFF BFF with her, you know? So gimme.
UPCOMING: Just homeplot. I probably won't EP her, being as I will busy as hell.
HOMEPLOT: With Eames. They'll be returning to his world and get a job and have to extract something from a mark and I don't know the details, but it'll be fanfuckingtastic. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRM.
I admit, I'm having trouble with Britta. The problem with an open canon, especially one as frequently unpredictable as Community and especially when Britta has been so painfully underused this season, is that I have no idea when they're going to come out with something about her that could really throw me off, so I can't commit to too much for fear of being Jossed. I have a lot of idea about her in my head, but I can't use them, you know? Which isn't always a big deal, but. That said, I really, really love her, she's not going anywhere, especially not when I have a fantastic homeplot going on and an Annie on the way, not to mention her ongoing adventure in ~music, forming a band with Miranda and Kate, which consistently cracks me up.
UPCOMING: I'm not sure. Probably no EP, although she needs one, but I have to keep them to a minimum for the next month.
HOMEPLOT: YYY. Right this minute, in fact, and I swear, I will tag it FIRST once my headache clears enough for me to focus.
The greatest decision I have made in months. I just have so much going on with her already and a lot planned and a lot that's really only just vague ideas and I'll see what comes of it. She's just such an interesting character to play, this long string of contradictions, very mature and very young at the same time, so self-aware and yet so impulsive, so smart and so likely to do dumb things. At the same time as being super-bold, she's also just ridiculously nice and I love her for how much she cares about people and how normal she is at the same time, with the overthinking things and just. AGH. LOVE HER. When I say I want to thread her off everyone, I mean that almost literally (almost just because everyone is a hell of a lot, I'd burn out and lose my mind, but you know, eventually, working my way through). I love her meeting all the teens, I'd love for her to meet more adults. In spite of my many ideas, I'm really just winging it and mostly being impromptu and saving them up to get to whenever I do, in large part because she is so given to throwing herself headlong into things that planning ahead with her is even less of a good idea because she's one of the likeliest to throw things out the window (although she's fairly predictable in that she'll pretty much always give way to the best interests of others until it proves too harmful to her - not before it does, probably, after the fact, but then she's just as likely to stand up for herself, so it's still mostly a toss up. Yeah).
She's made some good friends already and she's thrown herself into island life with abandon, mostly because she doesn't do anything half-assed and she figures that no amount of moping will get her home sooner, which means she's sort of dropped herself directly into the middle of everything, which I love. It makes it a lot easier to transition her when I have a pup so willing to adapt, so that I get all the fun of discovering the island with minimal angst (she's homesick, god, of course she is, and she desperately misses her family, and we played with that a lot right off the bat in her debut, which I loved because you often get people showing up and not the aftermath when it really hits that they're stuck? I find I'm making it a point to do with Olive all the things I realized after the fact I should have done with the others, which works, because her reactions are so interesting, if only to me). She's already terribly fond of her little circle, eager to meet everyone (she's super pop-culture savvy, so it's like candy, but after fucking up with Harry Potter, she'll be walking on eggshells about canon puncturing people) and is fast developing a crush on Eduardo, which I realized pretty early on would happen but then did not think things through, so did not realize the extent nor the speed with which this would be true. That's one area where she doesn't act on impulse, though, so I'm having fun with the whole one-sided schoolgirl crush on the older boy/best friend thing right now, which I'm surprised to find I don't think I've really done before. She's just so open and natural and fun and one of those things that, right now, I can rely on to cheer me up, so basically, yeah, I'm happy, I hope to thread with everyone, and if anyone wants threads or has ideas, etc., please hit me up, I want to do virtually everything.
UPCOMING: EP, because I can't not, because I, just, I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine. ALL OLIVE, ALL THE TIME. She's new, she needs a thousand threads, I have a thousand ideas. Additionally, she'll be going to see the dinosaurs in March, which is going to be/is currently fantastic.
HOMEPLOT: Yes, session two. She's going to Harvard with Eduardo and it shall be magical. Or depressing. Or both.
Like I said last month: SHUT. IT. DOWN. If anything, I should drop people, but I'm content with my roster as is.