Title: A Mother's Love
Author: me, Chelsea
Rating: PG13-R
Pairing:Tony/Matt, Tony/Jere
Summary: whoever said the greatest gift you can ever receive is a mothers love, was pretty fucked up in my opinion highschool fic
Status:Complete-11 chapters
The Outcast/
Just for Comfort, Really/
What a Surprise, I Made an Ass Out of Myself/
One Disaster After Another/
This is The Price You Pay for Loss of Control/
What The Hell Have I Gotten Myself Into?/
Cruel Intentions/
Lost, Broken, Confused/
Light This Fuse/
Whisper Softly, Tread Lightly Standalones
Title: He's Watching
Author: me, Chelsea
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Jere's got a new friend who isn't too fond of Matt, and who will do anything to keep them apart.
Don't Let Him Hurt Me Title: I May Have a Pulse, But My Heart’s Stopped Beating
Author: Me, Chelsea
Pairing: Matt/Jere
Rating: R
Summary: And it kind of makes you wonder if any of it was important to begin with.
Was it Real?