
Nov 05, 2008 18:20

There are days I really love living in the media capital of America. Yesterday was one of them.

We started last night at Rockefeller Center, watching NBC/MSNBC's election coverage. They had a giant map on the ice rink and guys pulling banners up the side of the building to count electoral votes.

The crowd was very heavily Obama, and gave a huge cheer when they called New York and New Jersey (even if it wasn't exactly a shock). The confusing thing was having MSNBC on one side and NBC on the other, and the two networks calling things at different times in different orders.

It was crowded, but not nearly as bad as ABC/CNN's stuff in Times Square, where we wandered to next.

There were just as many people there, if not more, but traffic was still flowing so everyone crammed together on the sidewalks and islands.

It was such a madhouse and we couldn't hear anything so we decided to head to a big party hosted by one of the Dem organizations in the city.

Right as we were about to head in, a girl came running through the door screaming that they had called CA and FL for Obama. She yelled "OH MY GOD HE'S THE PRESIDENT!" and collapsed crying into someone's arms.

Instead of cheering along with a giant crowd watching ten-foot-high TV screens, we found out he'd won from her.

Two links for today:
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