Feb 11, 2015 15:22
Something that is hard for me to express, mainly because everyone invariably takes offense, is how much value I place on accuracy. Sometimes it doesn't matter, or it is in fact important to not be (such as when a parent needs to be reassured that they were good parents, not have it pointed out that some points were good, some were unintentionally bad). But in general, there is a word that means what your intent is, and when someone exaggerates to prove their point, I can't help but think that if they need to blow up their experiences to prove said point, maybe the point is not correct.
If one has thought their opinion through and has left open the potential for themselves being wrong, then the exaggeration is unecessary. Completely. In fact, when you do so the entire train of your logic is put into jeopardy. If your memory is so incorrect as to misrepresent your experience, then who is to say you're not wrong about more? Who is to say that you're not living in what you WISH were true as opposed to reality?