-one reason i love flannery o'connor is because her characters say things like, "I wouldn't milk a cow to save your soul from hell." and because of descriptions like, "The sky was a dying violet and the houses stood out darkly against it, bulbous liver-colored monstrosities of a uniform ugliness though no two were alike."
-jesse and i will be in white plains this weekend. where will you be?
-i found $20 in the street yesterday. what's the most you've ever found, and where was it?
-my new favourite fake name is Bob Loblaw.
-the Viva Pedro film fest thing is one of the best things to happen in movie theaters in a while! we caught the first one and we're hopefully gonna catch most of the rest.
aaaand there are about 375 books on the other side.
we worked on these from start to finish: from moving the 2-ton delivery box by box inside from the loading dock, to applying the 9 steps of processing to every single book, to solving all the glitches and mishaps, to shelving them neatly in order.
does it make me really lame that that makes me very proud?
i hope so, because being lame is the new being cool.