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Oct 17, 2005 22:29

whenever I hear any great piano music I get inspired to play again. I used to be really good at the piano. I have a all these piano books that I could play, I just really need to learn how to get better. I have everything down, all I really need to do better is playing things quicker without having to look at each note individualy but rather read the music as a whole.
I love piano.
I want to play the piano really well again... I don't know why I ever stopped, I guess I didn't think I was ever good enough or that my parents would always forced us to go to lessons so I just got stubborn. I stopped taking lessons in the 8th grade, I would have been so good by now!
Piano has always been a passion of mine. Its relaxing. I love to make my own music.
I prefer to play the piano when nobody is home because I can really play whatever I want. When I was little I never used to like to play when my parents were around because I knew that they were listening and I guess it embarassed me and I didn't want to. I dunno.
Anyway, I always say this, but I am going to start playing piano again. I have the talent, I can definitely work on being great because it really does have the potential to be great.
Another thing is, is when I hear piano music or play piano I feel like myself. I feel the inner me. I feel like I am who I really am supposed to be. And I become completely relaxed and carried away somewhere else. There's something magical about it.
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