Mar 01, 2009 21:39
I'm. I'm awful.
Shit, I didn't learn anything from Peaks, did I?
Anyway, long story short, I probably failed to get sufficient aid to go to Emerson, if I do get accepted, and I still haven't been really applying for other types of aid, which I should have been for freaking years. I know I should have been, and once I'm out of high school, a lot of doors will be closing in the scholarship pool.
I want to train to be a teacher, but that...
I think, I should just (re)learn Vietnamese and move to Asia, where stuff is already dirt cheap and I will probably have a better chance of getting a job.
Although sometimes, I'm glad I have Chinese blood because Vietnamese people half weird bone structure.
Anyway, staying where I'm at shouldn't be so bad, right? I mean, this is Hollywood! More than half of the people in my suburban valley is involved with or wants to be involved with the entertainment industry; everything from Power Rangers to Ocean's Thirteen has been filmed here. Almost everyone I meet has a parent or family friend in the industry, Ashely Tisdale and that werewolf kid from Twilight went to the school down the street, and I mean, come on. What better place for someone who might want to be a screen writer?
Anyway. I have to do my homework.