(no subject)

Jan 26, 2005 16:23

besides being sick all day long my day went fairly well.

1st- went down to the library.
2nd-haha. listened to bright eyes and senses fail basically all class. i got on the labtop and just clicked away.
3rd-was weird. talking about being bisexual, ha. i just turn around and look at alice and start cracking up. mrs.jones was like'just bc you've made out with a girl doesnt mean your bisexual" while looking at us. oh gosh that class is awesome.
4th-test. enough said.
5th-got yelled at for sharing a book. but mr.davis is still spiffy in my book.
lunchhhh yea nothing special about it.
6th-hes finally back. and we had a lovely conversation about nothing really at all.
7th-another test. then got stared at bc i decided to read since whatever he was talking about had little intrest to me, but then everything turned out swell.
8th-ART!oh how i lovee that class and everybody i talk to in it. yeaaa wayy to much stuff to explain about today so im just gonna be lazy and not do it. only the kewl kids have art 8thhh.

so yea my day^ up there.
nothing too special and im pretty confused about alot right now. after talking to some random person i dont know but still have a feeling their right. arg. stupid stupid fucking...arg.

so yeaaa tomorrow choir. and i still have to write my news report. shit.

when girls are quiet, MiLLiONS of things are running in their mind.
when girls are not arguing, they are thinking deeply.
when girls look 'staringly' at you, they are wonderin how long you`ll be around.
when girls answer 'im fine' after a few seconds, they are not at all fine.
when girls stare at you, they are wondering whether you are lying or not.
when girls lay their head on your chest, they are wishing for u to be theirs forever.
when girls call you everyday, they want your attention.
when girls want to see you everyday, they want to be loved and pampered by you.
when girls text you, they miss you and want you to reply at least once.
when girls say ' i love you ' , they mean it.
when girls say they cant live without you, they have made up their mind that you are their future.
and when girls say they miss you..no one in this world can miss you more then they do
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