omg i really like this song :'(

Jun 09, 2010 23:47

I turn 23 in 6 days. I'm moving into a BEAUTIFUL apartment (that I got for a steal!) in Denver on Friday. All my old friends from years and years ago are coming back into my life. I'm sooooo happy and so grateful for everything in my life right now!!! No more miserable government job that I can't talk to anybody about anything with. I'm going back to doing what I love: working with makeup and skincare. I can dye my hair whatever color I want, get tattoos whereever, dress however, do whatever I want with my makeup and nails. I won't have to worry about going to school and then seeing my professors a few hours later or deal them card games in the late hours of the night and be sexually harassed by them. No more dealing with crazy family members and being judged by your last name and who your family is or the blood quantum on your enrollment card.  My own fucking joie de vivre. I think in a year though, I'm taking the plunge and moving to L.A. most of my friends from Phoenix are either moving to L.A. or to Denver and my east coast friends, I'm pretty sure I could talk into moving into L.A. with me and the ones that don't, would just give me an excuse to come out there. idk, I'm just so excited for the future has in store for me!

I've compiled a birthday wishlist but I have a feeling I'm going to end up buying all this shit for myself! D: I didn't include clothes because I would probably just end up buying it all right now and not have enough money to move, I'm trying to practice self control here~ Next week, I'll post my xxiii mixtape, so be on the lookout for that. My wishlist is after the cut, but tell me dolls, what's on your summer to-get list? any amazing plans? summer school? cool shows you're going to? vacations? what music are you listening to? books are you reading? what's the gossip, what's the news? you kids keep me so young... xxx

1. iphone 4

2. camaro

There's a story behind my toyota recently got all its window's shot out, almost broken into (there's damage to the side panels), all my tires slahed last week which is the main motivator behind my move. The car is completely trashed and its raining outside (flooding actually) so I can't take my motorbike out and I'm modifying my jetta so it's not reliable enough right now to drive around all the time. I need something decent until I can get my dream car and I've been such a sucker for this car since the whole bumblebee thing, so there ya go!

3. imac

4. god of war 3

5. alexander wang's coco bag

6. supra x muska tackyass hightops

7. diamond~ plugs

8. black BOY! pug named montague aka monte

I don't think I could deal with a girl dog and when they go into heat and shit, I can barely handle myself iykim. Plus, JP is gay so I'm sure he would like a boyfriend not a hag to chill with.

9. hello kitty x dr romanelli anatomy model

so macabre yet so cute!

10. alllllll the grey's anatomy dvds

I only got into this show last week because my friend Nicole has them on dvd. WHERE HAS THIS SHOW BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!?! I think Dr. Yang is my fucking twin if I was to ever have one. D:

11. scout by richard phillips

for my living room :x

birthday, this bish is old, back before she was crazy, aww it's a puppy, old ass dinosaur bitch, denvemolorado

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