Apr 24, 2010 21:07

Stolen from whaleteeth, happysound,neekbreek,twodromance!

1. go to
2. record your answers
3. come back and post your link!

What's your name?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
What's the last movie you saw?
Favourite tv show?
What tv/movie character would you most like to punch in the face?
What are you doing tonight?

0_0, do u love her whiny voice

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Comments 13

tracktwo April 25 2010, 03:35:06 UTC
lol omg did you hear that taylor momsen is going to be on warped tour this summer with her band~


fakeblood April 25 2010, 03:40:06 UTC
lol fol! ngl i kind of like that make me wanna die song - i think...i can't remember i was drunk.

brb relistening


tracktwo April 25 2010, 03:52:54 UTC
welp at least since she will be on tour all summer she will be gone like the first 5 episodes of next season. there is a god.

now if vanessa would get hit by a bus.


fakeblood April 25 2010, 05:58:37 UTC
maybe her skank ass will get shipped off to boarding school finally!

god i'm so sick of this bitch, i hope she gets written out for breaking ed's heart.


(The comment has been removed)

fakeblood April 26 2010, 00:56:29 UTC
ugh i just googled photos of jon togo and i don't think i like him anymore, he gained weight and looks preggers, fml.


sarakins April 25 2010, 04:30:10 UTC
omg vee your voice is so perfect


fakeblood April 26 2010, 00:55:32 UTC
thanks sweetpea!


love_allure April 25 2010, 07:12:21 UTC
homg your voice is so pretty, sick and all. i could never do that recording shit, my voice sounds so nasally on tape it freaks ME out. D: lololol


fakeblood April 26 2010, 00:55:06 UTC
thanks doll, i wanted to do this before the meme became demode~


jtaps April 25 2010, 14:39:15 UTC
you have the cutest voice ever, i love it! and omg yes the fourth kind scared the bajesus out of me :(


fakeblood April 26 2010, 00:54:34 UTC
thanks doll! hahaha i was freaking out especially when that man levitated, omg! i slept with my friend with all the lights on for the like two nights after that movie.


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