what happens in vegas.... if you ever get there!

Apr 05, 2010 16:44

do you forgive and forget? or are you the type of person that once someone pisses you off they are dead to you for forever? i think my best friend is quickly falling into my frenemy spot (that i've never had before!) i still want to like her but she did a bitchface thing and i think forgiveness is a sign of weakness, so if i do decide to love her again its gonna take me like a fucking year to gtf over it. so read the story dolls, and tell me who you think the real dickhead is:

it all began a week ago (give or take a of couple days), i texted my bff/frenemy, bananna* to tell her i was going to be late because it was fucking dumping snow and i wasn't going to speed down to denver and kms. and bananna texted back, "leave work early". well i can't do that we work in 24 hour shifts and i can't get into detail about the situation that happened at work but i had to wait for the next director to come on call and i wasn't going to be like, "teehee cover my extra hours so i can get imbibed while you deal with an incident that happened on my shift!" so i told her no dice and then bananna said, "well then we'll leave without you, we're not waiting." and she and the rest of the vicious fruits fucking left without me, y'all! i thought this bitch was fibbing! she totally ruined my plans with you-know-who (hubba hubba) and my drunken zombie jesus day. i fucking worked out twice a day since january for this bullshit!

decisions, decisions...i think i'm going to be the bigger man and wait for her to come to me. (and beg for my forgiveness) because she works out a lot and could totally slap me silly. and from now on she will be referred to as the suspect on my twitter page.

*names have been changed to protect the "innocent"

vegas, frenemy schmenemy, cock blockula, i hate bananas

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