Jan 15, 2007 18:41
Hey everyone,
Sorry it took me so long to write and let you know how I was doing. I had a rocky weekend, alot of nausea and pain. I'm gradually doing ALOT better. Taking baby steps everyday. My mom has been awesome, she's been by my side the whole time. She's kind of like a drill sargent, but she's the one keeping me hydrated and making me follow my exercises. Well it's been 5 days since my surgery and I weighed myself this morning and I've already lost 13 lbs. Still not 100% yet, but I'm getting BETTER and that's what counts. I know that this is all going to be worth it. Brett took off of work for my surgery. I'm so glad he was there, even though I was having a hard time, just having him around helped. I love you baby. Well I just wanted to keep everyone updated. :) Take Care. And thanks for your thoughts and prayers, please keep praying. :)