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Aug 13, 2005 19:38

It's a tougher challenge now, balancing kenny my #1; friendships; ballet/jazz; student council and academics. Moreover, dealing with change, which I've never been fantastic at. Things are different now and it's never going to be the same again. But somewhere within me, I've found that I'm okay with it.

The three of us used to be inseperable, it was always "Mark,Kim,At" for that short period of time. Somewhere along the line that changed to "Mark & Kim" and "Kim & At". Ironic isn't it, as Mookie pointed out that it was really At who introduced us and brought about the tight friendship Mookie and I share today. I used to crack my head and wonder what happened to trigger the change and it used to bite me up inside. The curiosity is slowly fading and I'm comfortable with the way things are. Bottom line is that I still have At- and I'm thankful we're over the coldwar. And I still have Mookie- we're closer than we ever were.

First three months were carefree. Morning breakfasts meetings, "Dental", Mos Burger, Sentosa, Table Tennis, CausewayPoint, Seoul Garden, WildWildWet and mucha Gossip. Every night I would go to sleep content and every morning I would wake up with a smile on my face because I knew I was going to school where i adored my class, and where the clique was just a stones throw away. I remember a time when going to class was easy because I knew there'd always be mrcorneliuskang to accompany me, and chinese classes were dropdeadhilarious. Even Lunch was easier, cos I always knew who I was going to sit with, it was our unwritten law. For a long time, it killed me that I couldn't see them every single day. The fact that RenickLeeLieBin was also in Innova made my heart burst, since we were young we always said we'd go to the same JC. Andy isn't there to protect me anymore. And Mel isn't there to accompany in between classes and walk with me to CWP. With TerenceChia gone, who was going to buy me icemilo everday? Chanel left, and there was no more girl in class I could properly gossip with, no one who seemed to clique with me. Daryl left and took along our everday chats about everything and nothing. Along with JiaWen & Bradford went their funnyfunny antics in class. It took me a long time to learn to cope without them in school, but learn I did. Things still aren't the same, and wonderland I assure you it isn't but hey there will always be the memories lingering and I know they're just a phonecall away.

I don't know if two particular people may kill me for posting one of those two pictures. I don't know if these memories ever flicker in the minds of those people, like they do in mine. I don't even know if the people in those pictures will see it and I don't know if they even still read my blog. But one thing I do know is that those were good times; easier, more carefree times- weren't they?
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