(no subject)

Jul 05, 2005 22:41

This is one of those "Today I did this, I went there, and I thought that" entries. So if you are any normal rational person and thus have no interest in The glitzy/glamorous mundane life of KimberlyWongKristen, you shouldn't read this entry.

I think I'm decaying. I'm bruising up all over, I've gotten nose bleeds these past few days. I've been having throbbing headaches & muscleaches and my throat really really hurts- there's this piercing pain anf I feel as though my throat is being pulled like a rubber band.

Today, we had the longest council meeting we've ever had. It was almost three hours long. Finally decided on the commitees that we wanted, and the job scope. Plus, the atmosphere was kind of relaxed today, or at least it was where we were sitting. Mrs Naidu amused me with her strange antics and eccentricly weird poetry, both of which were hilarious!

After council ended, I went to get IceCream from Gelare and then accompanied Mark to get his hair cut and it was really really funny. Mark bought cheese sausage balls and it tasted really good.

Oh! & I got to communicate with Jialing for awhile today, so that really makes me feel, somewhat better.

On another note, I've been feeling really worn out of late. Perhaps it's related to my decomposition. I'm guessing after I type this I'll go plop myself in bed and watch the tube again, instead of doing all the dilligent intellectual things I should be doing. Oh, and I really hope You come out later tonight so that I can see You, even if just for a little while. I really want to be there for You.

P/s- Bernadette and I have a little secret, this is so exciting! (Wow, Kim.)
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