Aug 11, 2010 13:36
Wow. Okay, so yesterday I was taking a glance at my journal, knowing full well that I have yet to finish my posts about my year in Japan [how horrible right?] when I realized that I am seriously a week away from the "expiration"? of my drama post. Hence, this post.
So I know I sort of entered an unannounced, heck unexpected hiatus since returning home. The last week in Japan was so crazy I didn't have time to update about everything I did, and then once I got home, first it was all the visits to family and friends, and then it was getting ready for Shingo to come, and now I feel like I'm in this weird middle ground where I know I should be doing something but I'm not sure where to start. And as much as I hate to admit this to myself, I only have about two weeks before I start school again at Berkeley. >___< I feel like I'm so not ready. I have to be prepared to take care of all my credits and junk too. D:
Maybe it's because my room is a mess that my mind is at a roadblock too. I feel like my room isn't functioning anymore because I can't access everything in it, and my clothes are scattered in various places because I don't have enough room to store them in my dresser and closet. I've been trying to think of a better way to store things, but I think I'm starting to just get confused. All I know is I have to focus on getting the little things in order, so that all I have left to put away is my craft supply. I have yet to go through all my boxes from Japan too. T_T Someone save me. If I don't have my room cleaned out before school I think I'll go crazy.
Anyway, enough of that. I have way too many things that are backed up that need to be done. Including my lj inbox lol. I guess I should get some of that done now since I can't find enough motivation to do anything else.
study abroad,