[Day 320: while the sister is away]

May 14, 2010 02:32

Since my sister had school still on Friday, I was supposed to stay at home and work on my midterm paper to get it done so I wouldn't have to worry about it over the weekend.

I woke up not too late but not too early, at around 10. I wanted to be able to sleep in a little, but I realized at the end of the day it probably would have been better if I woke up at 9 or something. I woke up, checked things online, watched the morning programs [where I saw the revealing of the GANTZ suits and got super hyped for the movie which won't come out until next year T_T] and eventually started on my paper.

It was hard getting a lot of it done, especially since my sister's class is only for the morning so soon enough she was back again. At this point I wasn't too stressed though because I pretty much had all my data written, it was just about filling in the explanation.

After a little while it was already time to head over to the Hosoi's. I was excited because it was going to be my first time staying over at their place.

We had a delicious dinner of fried fish, kabocha wrapped chicken and nasu. :D We helped make dinner and it was interesting seeing how easy the seasonings were. Made me want to make it at the dorm, but I don't know if I want to invest in panko and actually fry food. XP

We ended up staying up super late because we brought over a few of Arashi's DVDs. They were interested in seeing their 5x10 tour so we showed them bits and pieces. :)

cooking, sleep, food, sister, friday, concert, movie, paper, weekend, dorming, nino, midterm, arashi

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