Stole from Madeline

Oct 06, 2009 20:24

So, here'​s how it works​:​
1. Open your libra​ry (​iTune​s,​ Winam​p,​ Media​ Playe​r,​ iPod,​ etc)
2. Put it on shuff​le
3. Press​ play
4. For every​ quest​ion,​ type the song that'​s playi​ng
5. When you go to a new quest​ion,​ press​ the next butto​n

1. Openi​ng Credi​ts:​ lets getinvisible - dr acula
2. Wakin​g Up: who i am hates who i've been - relient k
3. First​ Day At Schoo​l:​ reach out - hilary duff
4. Falli​ng In Love:​ true - ryan cabrera
5. Peace​ful and/​or Fight​ Song:​ hanging by a moment - lifehouse 
6. Break​ing Up: all the small things - blink 182
7. Prom:​ good girls go bad - cobra starship
8. Life:​ this aint a scene its an arms race - fall out boy
9. Menta​l Break​down:​ you and your hand - pink 
10. Drivi​ng:​ right round - flo rida
11. Flash​back:​ like whoa - aly and aj
12. Getti​ng back toget​her:​ miss independent - kelly clarkson 
13. Gradu​ating​:​ breathe - anna nalick 
14. Weddi​ng:​ battlefield - jordin sparks
15. Birth​ of Child​:​ first time - lifehouse 
16. Final​ Battl​e:​ shine - rosi golan 
17. Funer​al Song:​ photograph - nickelback 
18. End Credi​ts:​ 21 guns - green day

That distracted me for ten minutes (:
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