Unsure about this death, Help us out?

Mar 22, 2010 13:45


And if you can't read that, here's a link to the entry that was copy/pasted into lol_anaz: http://community.livejournal.com/lol_anaz/666548.html

She'd posted quite a bit at lol_anaz, but really ( Read more... )


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scarletbeauty March 22 2010, 17:53:56 UTC
I think a lot of it was us being mean at lol_anaz, so she posted attention wanting stuff to ana_mia KNOWING that someone would recognize her username and cross post it. I feel like it's her way of going "LOOK WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU'RE MEAN TO PEOPLE, HDU."


lightningxsnow March 22 2010, 18:07:39 UTC
Link to the cancer post?

What kind of cancer did she allegedly have? I know a lot about various types of medical stuff; depending on how detailed it was, I could probably tell if it was real or not.


scarletbeauty March 22 2010, 18:13:11 UTC
Here's what the post said:
"the lump is cancerous.

I won't be comming on here anymore, since my only option here is to stop killing myself more with this stupid effing ed!

or maybe it doesnt matter, maybe the cancer is a sign to be beautiful at least before i die... a shove in the right direction... yea... right... or im just a worthless piece of shit and deserv this.

i think i will go with the second one.

this is my last post on here.

a year at most...

a fucking year.

whoopty fucking doo, a year of what? self hate? family tears? or shit im gonna have to go through when i tell my boyfriend tonight.

mom knows. she wont stop crying. brother knows, Ive never seen him cry before yesterday. sister knows, shes comming back from florida.

for fuck sakes why give me a gaddamn year, just finish it now!!!!!

i dont want this.... I will do anything... ANYTHING... just please... please please please... dont let me die.... "


blasphemusfish March 22 2010, 19:12:35 UTC
Well she sure fooled me on the typing style/crap spelling.


cock_and_load March 22 2010, 20:19:06 UTC
Yeah, funny how the "dead person's friend" seemingly has the same bad grammar as the "dead person".


hellototheworld March 23 2010, 00:05:30 UTC
I am always amazed by fictional doctors' abilities to forecast your time of death. I mean, I know sometimes they can give approximates if you're really beyond saving but every "sick" person I see online has a date and time stamped on their foot after a single CAT scan.


vanity_scare March 22 2010, 18:20:08 UTC
Yeah i don't think she knows shit about cancer. She said she had a cancerous lump..and a year to live.

And then in a later post she said they gave her the option of chemo.


thismakebelieve March 22 2010, 18:27:34 UTC
It's always funny to me that when people fake cancer on the internet they seem to always make it sound like doctors are like "would you like to get some chemo, or would you like to die instead *they consult magic crystal ball that lets them know how long you'll live without treatment* Oh that puts you at dying around this time next year, thoughts?" like it's some sort of option. I mean, yes, of course technically people can deny treatment, but it's not like it's treated that way. It's kind of like, here are your options, which should we try first, etc. Doctor's don't even bring up dying, even if odds are that you are going to.

Not to mention that if it's a lump they'd sooner remove your lump, even the limb or body part the lump is in, before they'd encourage a young person to just "die."


kayt_arminta March 23 2010, 14:57:46 UTC
My mom had cancer and her doctors pulled me and my dad aside and told us she was dying and it would be very very soon (It was only a couple of months, then she passed) but that she didn't want us telling my mother so she stayed in positive spirits.... I never agreed to that, I always thought she should know, she should put up a will, that she should say good bye to people she sees rarely. So yes, in my experience, the doctors treat until they can't treat any more, then if you get sick enough they take you to a hospice make you sign a DNR and leave you to die in a few days. Mom lasted four, I think, before she finally passed ( ... )


prettyh March 23 2010, 19:00:32 UTC
This broke my heart. I'm so sorry for your loss. I went through the hospice/DNR thing with my grandmother several years ago, and I have two very close friends who have just been diagnosed with cancer, one of whom will not survive it. I can only imagine, given the tears I've cried and the pain I feel over friends, what you're going through having lost your mom.

♥ Condolences from a complete stranger.


penguindreamz March 22 2010, 18:51:35 UTC
I have stage IV cancer with a 5-15% life expectancy and my doctor didn't even say "you only have a year to live". They just don't do that. They treat it until there are no options, they don't just say "you have cancer, sorry, go die now".

(and I've made it past a year :) )


tupelo March 22 2010, 18:53:46 UTC
I'm appointing you the official fake_lj_deaths Cancer Bullshit Caller.

and ps you're awesome.


agent_mimi March 22 2010, 19:15:53 UTC
There are a million signs that this death is fake. However, this entire branch of the thread is appalling in its misinformation about cancer. I am not a doctor, but I have spent a few years in school for low-level medical training, I now work in the medical field and, on a personal level, dealt very closely with my mother's terminal cancer ( ... )


penguindreamz March 22 2010, 21:00:27 UTC
Oh my doctor told me mine is terminal. But when I asked "how long" he wouldn't say or even give me an estimate (the 5-15% is what I got from my own research). And when I reached the end of 1 year of chemo last month and I told him "ok, I finished the chemo, now what?" he reminded me again that I have Stage IV metastatic cancer and there is no "done with chemo" for me. I was able to convince him to let me stop chemo for now and do Avastin only (an angiogenesis inhibitor, a cancer drug but not chemo, it kills the blood supply to tumors) since I have had 2 clear PET scans in the past year. I don't want my body to become too used to the chemo and cause it to not work as well when I need it again, I don't want to build up a toxicity and die from chemo complications, and I was starting to have "is this worth it" discussions with myself ( ... )


agent_mimi March 22 2010, 23:18:58 UTC
I wish you luck with your condition. And I agree about "lumpy colon", but the doctors I work for sometimes say things like that because they can't think of the correct words! It makes me laugh every time.


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