Ode To Lauren Sutton

Aug 10, 2003 01:29

You may wonder why I'm doing this on Livejournal, but it's because everyone deserves to see why Lauren Sutton will be missed.

Lauren sometimes I wish that the right words would come at the right time. They never do. Tonight I said goodbye to you and didn't really feel sad. I didn't really feel anything for that matter. I think it's because sometimes the emotions behind actual situations, for me anyways, are so overwhelming I hold them inside. When I left I thought of a million other things I would have like to tell you.
First off, you are the kind of person I dream of being someday. Maybe not in every aspect, but you have this spark about you, Lauren, this part of you that shines. Maybe it's because in any situation you find yourself in, you always act yourself. There is never a front with you Lauren. What you see is what you get. That is an amazing quality to have.
Also, you don't let the fear of failure stop you from doing what you want. I mean look at you! ALABAMA for christ's sake! You go after what you want and you don't care what other people's opinions may be. Yet another amazing quality.

Basically Lauren I want you to know that I admire you with all my heart. You are a beautiful girl with so much to offer this world. If I could offer you any advice, it would be this: Don't ever sacrifice your self-worth. You have SO much potential with which you can do anything you dream of. I know how hard you work and how much you dedicate yourself to things. Prom?! hello! Plus you are one tough fucking cookie when it comes to physicality...you kicked my ass. Period. But with all that going for you, you can't sacrifice one bit of it. Live YOUR life to the absolute fullest, Lauren. Suck everything you can out of it.

I envy Auburn University and what they have coming.

Love always and forever,
For Life
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