Jan 09, 2006 23:13
Where do I start?
I already said that.
I have an assload of anime to watch right now. Serial Exp. Lain, Texhnolyze, Shuffle!, Paranoia Agent, and a whole lot of shows airing right now that I have to keep up on every day. Right now this season what is interesting me mostly is Blood+, or what most people know also as the parallel universe to Blood: The Last Vampire. So far it has impressed me with how the characters play out, but other than that, it's a pretty boring season. Capeta, a racing show is pretty cool, but every small event takes friggin' two whole episodes. Also, the best romance-comedy anime I have ever seen, School Rumble, is coming out with a second season! When I found this out, I swear I almost shat myself. This show is so damn entertaining, such an awesome story, incredibly interesting characters, and the only bad thing I would have to say is in this show is the first two episodes.
Well the new year has happened, and I had plenty of time to think in Tampa of what I need to do as far as resolutions. So I thought, "what am I missing? What do I need to do?". So I see myself as being very fulfilled. I think I'm a nice guy, I pay my bills, I help people, and I'm not gonna try to lose weight within the next bit. So I decided that if I were gonna try to do a resolution, I'm gonna try to go out with someone this year. Last year I met a couple of girls, a but no dates. Just hanging out with friends. I need to go out with some girls. I'm at my peak, with plenty of money, lots of games to play, passing all my classes, and lots of anime to watch. I need a girlfriend. I had plenty of chances of going out with a few back in the summer after high school. I didn't go out with them because I was leaving to Seattle. Now that I think about it, I was a fucking idiot. GAWD DAMN I WAS AN IDIOT. So yea, gonna try to fix that right away. But so far, no luck, but damnit the first chick that I see (outside of Digipen) that I find attractive I'll ask her out.
It's been two days since I came back to Bellevue, and I still haven't played games or go somewhere that isn't home and Digipen. I now have four classes, ever since I worked up from the two last semester. Here's the schedule:
Monday: CS105 at 12:30PM, and CS230 at 8:00PM
Tuesday: MAT150 (NOT 140!!!) at 8:00AM, and CS170 at 11:00AM
Wednesday: CS105 at 12:30PM, and CS230 at 8:00PM
Thursday: MAT150 (NOT 140!!!) at 8:00AM
Friday: CS105: at 11:00AM, CS170 at 12:00, and MAT150 at 3:00
Seems that my toughest day will be Friday, and my easiest day will be Thursday, with one class at 8:00 AM. Although it's early as balls, all my classes end that day at 9:30. I don't mind taking a nap afterwards.
Anywho, it's about time I updated, and I'm happy I did.