I've got ISS for tardies.
They put my homecoming nomination
picture up.
Kelly made me laugh
so hard today.
I was this far *little pinchy fingers*
from hurling I laughed so hard.
"shit shit shit. I forgot my black lipstick"
*rolls eyes*
I'm finally off being grounded.
However it is HIGHLY likely
that I will be grounded again
in the very near future.
My brother's been a real
asshole to me lately.
Makes me wish he never
came home from Europe.
I hope he moves to London,
then I can visit him.
(London has no drinking age)
there's nothing here.
but what here's mine....
oh yes, speaking of Placebo.
My site's down.
I need to renew my plan
so Alicia and I can get it up
and running.
justxaxmonster: go to the football game tonight
justxaxmonster: and we can get snow cones and throw them at people!
justxaxmonster: :D
opivyman87: i would, but, i really don't feel like going to a football game tonight. i'm too naked. maybe next time...
Oh yes, Dave got a livejournal.
Add him, you fools.
diamondave ;)