Before I even fill this out I need to remind you that... I TITLED THIS BITCH ASS. Team awesome what what?!
1. Name: Caroline Jersey. 2. What makes you happy: concerts, lacrosse, friends, late night random conversations, bonfires, and pizza. :D 3. What have you been listening to lately: Alkaline Trio and Straylight Run. And the Garden State soundtrack. 4. Do you enjoy reading my LJ: Of course. 5. If so, why: Well, you write about... stuff. Also, I do believe, you wrote an awesome entry about me and it made me really really happy when I was feeling down.
RECOMMEND 1. A movie: Almost Famous 2. A book: 1984 3. A band, song or album: the only band we have in common: GREEN DAY. Go get Kerplunk if you don't have it already.
PLUS 1. Tell me one thing you love about me. Just one? Hot damn. Maybe I'll take this question seriously and say that you are one of the coolest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I hope we're friends for a looonnnngggg time. 2. Tell me two things you love about yourself. Awwwww shucks. Well, I love that I have no shame and blow my nose/ sing/ dance in public, frequently. I also love that I cleaned my room last night. 3. Look through the comments, and when you see someone you know, tell them three things you love about them. Well this is just too damn complicated for me. 4. Do this in your journal so I can tell you what I love about you -- and if you've already done it, tell me so, so that I can go back and give you some love. ...ok.
1. Name: Caroline Jersey.
2. What makes you happy: concerts, lacrosse, friends, late night random conversations, bonfires, and pizza. :D
3. What have you been listening to lately: Alkaline Trio and Straylight Run. And the Garden State soundtrack.
4. Do you enjoy reading my LJ: Of course.
5. If so, why: Well, you write about... stuff. Also, I do believe, you wrote an awesome entry about me and it made me really really happy when I was feeling down.
1. A movie: Almost Famous
2. A book: 1984
3. A band, song or album: the only band we have in common: GREEN DAY. Go get Kerplunk if you don't have it already.
1. Tell me one thing you love about me. Just one? Hot damn. Maybe I'll take this question seriously and say that you are one of the coolest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I hope we're friends for a looonnnngggg time.
2. Tell me two things you love about yourself. Awwwww shucks. Well, I love that I have no shame and blow my nose/ sing/ dance in public, frequently. I also love that I cleaned my room last night.
3. Look through the comments, and when you see someone you know, tell them three
things you love about them. Well this is just too damn complicated for me.
4. Do this in your journal so I can tell you what I love about you -- and if you've
already done it, tell me so, so that I can go back and give you some love. ...ok.
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