What a day What a day

Apr 27, 2006 17:15

"Oh.........Dear..........Lord!" That about sums up my day

Today was event full to say the least. I saved myself from failing two classes!!!! yeah....i don't know, it's crazy.

It has been non stop since i got out of bed this morning

I woke up late and frantically hit the shower, hitting walls and tripping over a fan that someone had placed in the hall "WTF? who put this here?" That's all i could say, blind as could be and somewhat out of it.
For a moment i thought things would settle down, i closed my eyes and let the shower do it's work. 
But here is the awesome part............
I got out of the shower and noticed that my foot stepped into about an inch of water, it didn't phase me until i remembered i wasn't in the shower anymore.

Somehow my bathroom flooded and there i was standing naked wondering what the hell was going on.

All i could do was look into the mirror and laugh. But my smile turned into an "oh shit!" expression when i recalled that i have three tests today, one that i was for sure going to be late for.

I kind of just left my bathroom all flooded......... yeah, i'll get back to you on that one

Made it to class and was rather un enthused that the test was to be taken out of class. "oh man could this get any better?" i asked, knowing that i was to study for the next test in the time i now had to take the first one. Not to mention that i needed to get back to my house and clean up Katrina.

I thought i'd take care of the Great Flood first and try my odds with having enough time for the test later.

But it only gets better

As i was moping and vacuuming up water (yeah i didn't know you could do that until my dad suggested it to me) i realized i also had a paper due for my AMT 101 class.
I like how my mind forgets about the important things until last minute.

So i cleaned it all up and raced back toward campus to finish up my paper and do my test, oh and study for my other two as well.

.......wait, yes it gets better

I decided it would be best to write my paper in the student union they have at east, i'd say it's like some deserted town in Nebraska compared to the Manhattan Style MU they have going on at Main. Anyway, as i was writing my paper some guy comes up to me and asks if i could be an extra in a shot they were filming for some ASU thing. I was like "What the hell, never been an extra before" 
He had me walking back and forth like 20 bajillion times across the scene, and i was wondering how times they needed to shoot it, i still needed to get back to my essay. 
So after that whole random mess i finished up my paper and headed to the sim building to take my first test.
But the short little trip it takes to get from the Student Union to the Sim building wasn't going to be as smooth as i thought
ASU was having some type of band playing and a couple of booths set up in the student union.
Well on my way out some lady asked me if i wanted a "Face Facial" (she was seated at a booth with all this make-up stuff) I kind of looked at her puzzled thinking in the back of my mind that a face facial was kind of redundant. So i asked innocently and curiously
  "can you get them in other places?"
ooooooh boy i guessed i spoke too soon
 she looked at me all weird and somewhat disgusted so i just sort of walked away 
When i turned to head toward the exit i noticed a sign that said "Free Facials"
......................"oh fuck! haha" i chuckled on my way outside
I guess she actually said "do you want a free facial" not a Face Facial
it then dawned on me that she gave me a disgusting face because she probably thought i was perverted or something i don't know but in any case i thought it was funny. i guess you had to be there

I got all the stuff i needed signed and turned in to save myself from failing my AMT 101 class but i was too late to study for my weather class. I still didn't even take my first test yet either. So pretty much i thought i was fucked, hardcore.

I walked into my weather class five minutes late and sat down to take a test that i had not studied for one bit. 
Mind you throughout this whole ordeal i was thinking about life
questions like "i wonder how many new people i am going to meet next year now that i will be living on campus" came to mind in between questions on the test like " (True/False) TWEB are aired continuously over selected low and medium frequency NDBs (nondirectional beacons), on 190-535 kHz and over VORs(very high frequency omni-directional ranges) on 108.0 - 117.95MHz"

"WTF did we even learn about NDBs and VORs in class?" hahaha i was going insane

i think i did really well though considering i didn't study. Most of the questions were from the lecture i remembered, i guess it pays off to listen in class.

Alright one test down two more to go

Since we were let out early because of my weather class test i decided i would hit up the sim building to take my first class test.

Miraculously i did and scored a 92! Shits yes!

I was a little more than happy knowing the day was coming to a close. I just had one more test in my next class and it would finally be all over

Got a 100% on my last test, what can i say? it was only a 10 question multiple choice type test.

I wanted to strip and dance on top of my desk, i was that happy

You ever have that feeling of being exhausted but overwhelming joyed over the fact that you don't have to worry about anything anymore? A feeling of relief, one where you can drive with the windows down on a nice breezy day while blasting radiohead.........and just breathe

I like those days

I don't have to worry about school for a week now, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, delicious!!!!

Alright, i was tagged so here are my six bad habits:

1) I always have something to write about but i never do. I think this has been my latest post in a long time. but not even posts, i feel like writing just about life sometimes to myself but i never seem to do it.  i hope to change that.

2) i plan a couple things at one time, kind of like the airlines do with overbooking. lately it has been catching up with me and i really need to stop doing it, it's not fair to people.

3) I have this really bad habit of waking up with a boner hahaha tiss true but i can't help it, everyone does...guys i mean...if you're a girl and wake up with a boner you might want to get that checked out.....just might want to.

4) Only one person has caught this.... i always walk infront of my car and never in the back. you might say it's a superstition and i guess to some extent it is but now i don't even realize i do it, it's just comes natural

5) i crack my knuckles and neck at awkward times...like during a test when it annoys people or when i'm waiting in line for something (people think i do it because i am impatient and i am letting them know by cracking my neck but i swear i just do it randomly)

6)  Forgetting things!!!!! like now....i know i have more bad habits but i can't remember.....hmm oh well

kids from Hanson
Dora the Explorer
My baby Gwen
Usha'................Usha' haha man i crack myself up (i like that song though. what can i say?"
Jordan.....do you even read these anymore? lol

P.s. i met someone who is into Five Iron as much as i am!!!!!! crazy crazy
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