Monday morning...

Oct 06, 2008 08:33

I'd set my alarm for 6:20 a.m., and so woke up thinking, "Why is my alarm going off in the middle of the night?" from a dream about something vaguely connected to George Lucas and Star Wars. I wonder why. I don't even like Star Wars.1

I have a plan that for a week I will try following a rotation diet. I was reading Finally ... Food I Can Eat by Shirley Plant. Any author who dares to put an ellipsis in her title has my respect. A nurse at the General Hospital had been singing the praises of this book, and saying how following it made her feel better, have more energy, and lost weight. All of which would be good.

But... it isn't easy, despite urging in the Introduction that 'you too can do this'. I did it when I was on the anti-candidiasis diet, and it was appalling - but there was incentive. That alternative was worse. I have no doubt it would be good for me, but - breakfasts that take half an hour to bake, and start with grinding the flaxseed?

I could do it. I'd have to be more desperate than I am now. Maybe if I start slow, it won't seem to time-consuming. I could take the principle of CRON and add the suggested combining of foods. Which is actually non-combining: No proten with starch; I can do that. Fruit only on its own. I can do that, too. Meals may seem a little strange, but I'm going to try it for a week. I might even cut out wheat for a week, too, experimentally. See how it affects me.

Well, for six days. I'm not going to skip Thanksgiving for this.

[Added for reference.]

~ ~ ~

1 Except for Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan slash, of course.

chatter, food

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