30 Days of Doctor Who: Question 16: Favourite Martha moment.

Feb 10, 2013 12:38

30 Days of Doctor Who: Question 16: Favourite Martha moment.

Every Martha moment is a favourite moment. I love her intelligence, her humour, her persistence, her courage, her loving spirit, and, most of all, her curiosity. The way she relates to everyone, and really listens to people when they speak to her. So my favourite "Martha" moments are pretty much whenever she talks to anyone.

I'm taking three choices here:

  1. I love our last glimpse of Martha, in "The End of Time", as an adventurer with a gun, running for her life (and no doubt the safety of the universe) with her husband Mickey.

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  2. From "Gridlock": I love it that Marthe pushes through the Doctor's façade and gets him to talk about himself - especially when it's a lie and a fantasy:
      The Doctor: How about another planet?
      Martha Jones: Can we go to yours?
      The Doctor: Nah, there's plenty of other places.
      Martha Jones: Come on, though. I mean "Planet of the Time Lords". That's gotta be worth a look. What's it like?
      The Doctor: It's beautiful, yeah... The sky's burnt orange, with the citadel enclosed in a mighty glass dome, shining under the twin suns. Beyond that, the mountains go on forever. Slopes of deep red grass, capped with snow.
      Martha Jones: Can we go there?
      The Doctor: Nah, where's the fun for me? I don't want to go home.

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  3. Not a scene in Doctor Who at all, but in Torchood: I love Marthe's conversation with Gwen Cooper about sex with Captain Jack:
      Gwen Cooper: Um, so, you know Jack pretty well, then?
      Martha Jones: Oh, we were only together for a few days, but it was pretty intense.
      Gwen Cooper: You mean...
      Martha Jones: Oh, God, no, no! No! Not that sort of intense! No, nothing like that.
      [they laugh]
      Martha Jones: Why, are you and him...
      Gwen Cooper: No! No! Not at all!
      Martha Jones: We must be the only two people on the planet.
      Gwen Cooper: I know. What are we doing wrong?
    I love it that she liked Jack, and appreciated him, both in the sense of finding him intersting and attractive, and seeing him as a fell-companion whose life with the Doctor hadn't entirely run smooth.

martha jones, 30 day meme, doctor who, tv

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