Nov 10, 2012 22:54
- Across the street from my gym, we could see a strange thing in the window of the Danish furniture store across the street - it looked like a big yellow machine gun.
Unable to believe my eyes, when I was through at the gym I crossed the street and went to have a closer look. Yup, it was a big yellow machine gun - made up as a lamp. Who would want a thing like that in their living room?
- At lunchtime, I met up with Beulah, Gemma, Lyn, gamergrrl, and auriaephiala for our International Dorothy Dunnett Day lunch and toast. Our venue this time was The Daily Grind on Somerset. We had a hat contest, and gamergrrl won, with a gaudy gat she'd worn in a musical comedy. We each read a passage from one of the books: I read a few paragraphsfrom The Game of Kings with Jonathan Crouch complaining at being kept prisoner by Lymond, and Lymond being snarky in reply. Gemma read a passage I'd forgotten about, from Pawn in Frankincense, where Philippa introduces Archie and Sheemy Wurmit.
- Had a lovely dinner at Sushi 168 with Vince. He showed me his father's clock, which he is trying to get back into good working order. Clocks: such opinionated objects!
dorothy dunnett