
Sep 29, 2012 21:48

Woke early enough, and with energy enough, to entirely clean the apartment. Well, almost entirely. After I thought I'd finished I found spilled birdseed under one of my tables. How does that happen?

Thomas phoned me with birthday greetings; he was puzzled that he hadn't been able to reach me on my actual birthday. I explained that I'd been in Turkey, and since he'd been there a couple of decades ago, we had a nice chat about it.

Went to Dim Sum with the Saundersons, who gave me a wonderful book for my birthday: Don't Know Much About Literature, which is essentially trivia quizzes about famous books and authors. fun. And, true to form, they managed a wonderful birthday card. The outside says:
    The Birthday Rule of Three
      1. Food
      2. Entertainment
      3. Wrapped gift
There's a picture of s buffet with the words "Food: Check"; of Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller from Frankenstein with the words "Entertainment: Check", and then: "Only one thing left under the rules. Happy Birthday, Elizabeth. Hugs, Marion and Vicky.

I loved it. And the Dim Sum was delicious, as Mandarin Ogilvie tends to be; this time I had (among many other superb dishes), pig's ears, which was new to me. maaseru teased me about eating cartilage. Guess I like eating cartilage.

After the Dim Sum, maaseru and I went to Costco for groceries, though I also bought a sim card for my tablet. and socks.

In the afternoon, Beulah came over with plants for maaseru and a cup of tea and conversation.

Then I worked on the next issue of Apaplexy, and on scrapbooking my trip.

birthday, travel, chatter, food

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