
Sep 09, 2011 23:01

  • Busy at work. In morning: office admin. In afternoon: mailing for co-op week.
  • Took a wonderful break at lunchtime to go to Sushi 88 (one of my favourite restaurants) for a farewell lunch to someone who is leaving work with us start work on Monday in Toronto at a place called Naked Creative. There were many jokes about the name of the place she was going to.
  • And then, somehow, sinking rapidly, the conversation turned to Bad Toilets We Have Known, mostly in Mongolia and Ghana.
  • Amazing food, beautifully presented. I had an old favourite - Unagi Rice.
  • Went to Can-Con, where I met up with some friends I haven't seen in years - and some whom I see often. Particularly enjoyed chatting with Rob, from the Comic Book Shoppe, and Tim, whom I used to be in an apazine with, and Claire, who lives in Whitehorse so I hardly ever get to see her. And Shelley, and Arcane, and others... And there should be even more people there tomorrow.
  • Went to a panel about fantasy maps, and one about conspiracy theories. Enjoyed Hayden Trenholm's comments.
  • Went to Heather Dale's concert.

    Enjoyed it very much, especially one about a boy who threw things into the sea, so that when he was pulled in by a riptide, the sea threw him back to the shore where he belonged. And another one about Joan of Arc, about how she wasn't willing to be a wife and mother, but wanted to be herself - true enough, and a nice feminist angle on her story, but I'm not sure that I think dying for the sake of God is better than living for the sake of a family.
  • Walked home, because I forgot that the #101 bus would take me most of the way home. It was about 6.5 km and took me about 70 minutes. Nice night, with stars.

chatter, con

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