Moments that amused me...

Jun 30, 2011 16:45

From the past few days: sights that amused me.
  1. On Bank Street, there is a shop taking its cue from the comic book movies that are out this summer to feature superhero underwear in its window:

    The punchline: it's two doors down from The Comic Book Shoppe. Someone knows what they're doing - and where they are doing it.

  2. In downtown Ottawa we have a fancy new design of mailboxes. possibly designed to hide the graffiti that might accumulate.

    Pretty, no? And just in time for Canada Day. But what amused me was (since I took this photo a few days ago), the Post Office was on strike and the brand new mailbox was not operational. Look closely at the sign on the letter slot:

  3. At work this morning, I found a mug I hadn't seen before in the kitchen cupboard. Now, I work in an organization for co-ops, and I think I can safely say that were are all left-of-centre social-reforming pacifist internationalist intellectuals, more or less. And I'm sure there a good dollop of Canadian nationalism in there, too. But this mug was in the cupboard:

    I've been amusing myself concocting scenarios as to how it came to be in the kitchen. Who brought it in, and why?

photos, chatter

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