30 Days of Torchwood: Favourite member...

Feb 04, 2011 16:25

The 30 Days of Torchwood meme:

Day #1: Favourite Torchwood Member.

    Take a wild guess. C'mon, you can do it. If you know me at all. If you've seen the action figures lined up by my bathroom mirror, the pictures on my wall.

    Why do I love Captain Jack? Let me count the ways...

    1. He is an adventurer.
    2. He has a sense of humour.
    3. He keeps surprising me - bit by bit we learned things about his past (or present) that took me by surprise.
    4. The coat, so lovingly tended by Ianto.
    5. He loves the Doctor. He abandons everything to be with the Doctor.
    6. He loves easily and without stint.
    7. He loves characters I also love, sometimes romantically, sometimes sexually, sometimes spiritually - the Doctor, Rose, Martha, Sarah Jane, Gwen, Captain John... His daughter Alice.
    8. He flirts beautifully, though maybe not enough.
    9. He is omnisexual.
    10. He is polyamorous.
    11. He lost himself and - with the Doctor's help - found himself again; a new, improved version.
    12. He died for the Doctor's sake. Back when he thought it would be permanent. And he exulted in it.
    13. Did I mention the coat already?
    14. He respects the supernatural.
    15. He continues to love people even when they defy him, betray him, or abandon him.
    16. He dances nicely.
    17. When hard pressed, he gets snarky.
    18. He likes big guns and fancy weapons.
    19. He likes to travel.
    20. He has a lot of curiosity.
    21. He has a WWII military fetish, and uses it to good advantage.
    22. He accepts people of many types of diversity, not excluding space whales, or girls who want to be Faeries.
    23. He likes fast cars, spaceships, boats.
    24. He's willing to do the dirty jobs, but never forgets that they are dirty.
    25. He has a good voice, and a pleasant accent.
    I could think of many more things I love about him, but you've probably already had enough.

    I got the Torchwood meme from solitary-summer's lj.

list, 30 day torchwood meme, captain jack harkness

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