Tonight I sat down with
maaseru and
explodedteabag and we watched the last four episodes of Supernatural all in a row. Four episodes at once - we'd fallen behind in watching. We saw "Point of No Return", "Hammer of the Gods", "The Devil You Know" and "Two Minutes to Midnight".
A few comments... )
Point of No Return
#1 Loved the beginning, with Zachariah in the bar. Zachariah briefly became interesting again.
I really liked that scene at the bar. I thought it was really good and worked really well with that his rant about being the best worker and how he's lost respect of the other angels because of Dean.
# What's this with Adam becoming a potential vessel for Lucifer? I thought this might happen to Ben, since he's on the right side of the bloodline (by which I mean being Mary's grandson), and, you know, alive, but Adam? If the Michael brigade can take any random Winchester and raise him from the dead to be Michael's vessel, why not take John's father, or great-grandfather from the grave?
I thought Ben would be potential vessel for Micheal. He bloodline right from Dean, Micheal's true vessel. Like Jimmy and his daughter both being vessels for Castiel. Is an archangel too powerful for a child's body to handle? Like you said why not bring back any Winchester? Why not bring back John, who must be a strong vessel? John worked once and he might hold up for bit. Unless they think he'd say no too.
# Adam seemed a dweeb anyway.
Funny I liked Adam more this time around. I completely hated everything about Adam last time so that does really say much lol. He reminded me a lot of Dean which made me warm up to him. Still I'm not too hot on the character. I don't think the actor is on the same level as other actors. So if he plays Micheal I don't know if he can pull it off.
# Loved, loved, loved the whole conversation between Dean and Zachariah, and Dean's turning the tables.
I really loved when Dean turned the tables on Zachariah. After everything we been through with these two characters it was so good to see.
# The dialogue has suddenly improved, and they've finally stopped treating Castiel like comedy.
Agreed. The show is back on track. I don't know why it hit that rough patch but it got going over the last few episodes.
Hammer of the Gods
I'm still rather sad that Gabriel is dead. I really liked him a lot. But it was such a good episode. I really like all the Gods. I think they really cast them well and wrote them well. I think they were all cannibalistic just to show us they are monsters in case we forgot, like the x-mas Gods.
#10 I still don't like Lucifer, but that was a good scene. And: Lucy, I'm home. Those writers have no shame.
LOL The writers really have not shame and I love it! I loved that Lucifer was upset that he killed his brother. Things would have been so much more boring if Lucifer if he didn't care. I really enjoyed Gabriel calling him out with truth of the situation "Dad loved you best and he bought home the new baby and you couldn't handle it". Lucifer sure didn't like hearing the truth lol Mark Pellegrino was wonderful in this episode.
Two Minutes to Midnight
What do you think about Castiel becoming fallen?
I loved Death! So epic! They did a great job with him.
In general...
# "Erotic codependence" of the Winchester brothers? Woo, I can't believe they said that!
I thought I misheard that to be honest LOL
# Loved the way the four rings glommed together. What's Dean going to do with them?
I don't understand? Is Sam going to be wearing the gold one? Is Dean? Or are the rings not worn at all but rather open a big hole in that you need to stand over or under? I can't wait to find out.
# I'm glad Castiel is alive. Loved it when he apologized to Dean for underestimating him.
I loved that they talked about it and Castiel apologized. He did it in funny way but also a serious heartfelt way. I really enjoyed the scene.
# How are they going to tie up this story in just one hour
I really don't know and I'm a little fearful about it. But then again I was really fearful about putting two horsemen into one episode and I think that worked out.
So glad you enjoy my comments. I always have thoughts. I'd have said more last night if I weren't so tired. I think four hours of watching wore me out.
Why not bring back John, who must be a strong vessel?
I wish they would - John being a major favourite character of mine. I'd love to see what he'd do in all of this.
I agree with your points about Adam. I don't see a lot of personal strength there. Since the Winchesters have such strong personalities, I was thinking, "How could this be John's son?" Still, strong fathers often have weak sons, and vice versa. But he isn't very impressive or interesting.
they were all cannibalistic just to show us they are monsters in case we forgot, like the x-mas Gods.
Yeah, good point. They couldn't make them seem benign. So we needed human sacrifice.
I loved that Lucifer was upset that he killed his brother.
Lucifer's finest moment, as far as I'm concerned. Not that he's had many fine moments up to this. But this was superb.
What do you think about Castiel becoming fallen?
I'm hoping he'll ascend again, but as long as they don't make him their token joke angel, I'm happy.
The rings are intriguing. The boys know what to do with them - whatever that is.
I think the Horsemen episodes have been among the best this season.
:) Four hours is a long time for one sitting.
I wish they would - John being a major favourite character of mine. I'd love to see what he'd do in all of this.
I really think the biggest reason we not seeing John is they can't get the JDM because he's just so busy. We've seen young John twice already. And we saw Mary again. I wonder if we would have seen John in Heaven happy memories of Dean if they could've got the actor.
I agree with your points about Adam. I don't see a lot of personal strength there. Since the Winchesters have such strong personalities, I was thinking, "How could this be John's son?" Still, strong fathers often have weak sons, and vice versa. But he isn't very impressive or interesting.
I know what you mean. I still think it was mistake to bring Adam into the story. I guess they had this exact vessel storyline in mind the whole time but I dunno I still don't care for Adam's story.
Lucifer's finest moment, as far as I'm concerned. Not that he's had many fine moments up to this. But this was superb.
I think it was one of his most interesting moments of season. I hope it's brought up again but it's doubtful it will be. Sam could use he 'you murder you own brother' as weak spot to gain control over Lucifer. I really want to see Micheal's reaction to Gabriel's death. Finding out that Gabriel choose Term Free Will and was killed by their brother. I think it could be interesting.
I'm hoping he'll ascend again, but as long as they don't make him their token joke angel, I'm happy.
Part of me hopes he doesn't ascend again right away. I'm hoping that being human will increae his chances of staying alive and around for season six if season six is going to back to basics (no angels/end of the world story). I don't want the token joke angel either. It's be really interesting to see a subplot season six of Cas learning to be human. Not just in a comic relief way but in meaningful heartfelt way.
I don't want to lose Castiel. I'd like him to either be allowed to go home in peace or stay with boys have good story.
It was fun, in a delightfully self-indulgent way.
I still think it was mistake to bring Adam into the story.
Unless it's a set-up to use Ben as the vessel tomorrow, I think both appearances of Adam made for weak stories. Pointless. But it did make for some good Zachariah scenes.
I don't want Castiel to be human forever - he'd be just another guy then. Eventually. But for him to be an angel again, with an interest in Dean, so he stays around; or for him to be an ex-angel living a mortal life for a while - either of those things would be fine.
I'd like to see more of Castiel, and I always like scenes between him and Dean.
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