
May 08, 2010 22:17

Went to breakfast with maaseru and a friend at Von's, where we hadn't been for a long time. Then I went home to do exercises (including weights) while they went to IKEA to get more shelves for maaseru's apartment. I helped them carry the shelves and other odds and ends of IKEA purchases upstairs, when got ready for my own videoparty.

gamergrrl, lunacy_gal, Beulah, Tasia and Peter came over and we watched two episodes of Doctor Who ("The Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone") and three of White Collar ("Book of Hours", "Flip a Coin" and "The Portrait"). I made chicken wings with corn on the cob and rice, everyone else brought fruit, snacks, desserts (including chocolate) and other wonderful things.

Then we went to the Apaplexy collation at Sheila's, where Vince made another surprise appearance from B.C. An excellent time was had by all.

And now I am so very, very tired.

white collar, doctor who, chatter, apaplexy

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