Wolverine: Origins

Nov 04, 2009 09:17

I read Wolverine Origins: Born in Blood by Daniel Way and Steve Dillon.

The art put me off - lots of fighting, all very static, and most of the characters seemed to have the same face.

That being said, the story was rather interesting - with the flaw that nothing gets resolved, except that Wolverine gets even more angry and depressed. But at least now I know the origins of his son, and it's nice to know it's Silver Fox's kid. I liked the inclusion of Dum Dum Dugan (an old favourite from Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos days), and the secret voice on the phone directing the President, and the inclusion of Captain America - I liked the way Wolverine couldn't just cut him down, and Cap proves he can fight the toughest there is. I liked it that Cap calls Wolvie "punk", shades of Clint Eastwood, though I thought: "Shouldn't that be 'runt'?"

And I particularly liked the use of Emma Frost, prying (with a reasonable lack of success) into Wolverine's subconscious. Wolvie gives Scott Summers the only weapon that can kill him, with instructions to use it as necessary - cool. Very cool.

The story had too much violence for my tastes, but still had lots of interesting psychological material that further deepens Logan's tragic story.

wolverine, comics

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