Good things that happened today:
- I got my Time Squad figures from Forbidden Planet. Love 'em. Especially the Doctor, of course, but I do like the cute Dalek and the Cute Stone Angel.
- My back felt better. A lot better. Okay, it started to hurt again after I'd walked to the library and back (with books), but I was still able to get some housework done, and generally feel cheerful rather than hypochondriacal about it.
- Put myself on the notification list at amazon for the release of John Barrowman's coming book, I Am What I Am. According to his website, it's exactly what I was wishing for after reading Anything Goes: "a more in-depth exploration of John the man . . . his thoughts, opinions and experiences, îand in particular [will] focus on achievements over the past couple of years".
- I lost nine pounds since I stopped eating wheat. Very gratifying.
- Met commodorified for coffee at Irene's, except they didn't have coffee, so we drank Earl Grey tea (hot) instead.
- Got tickets for the Il Divo concert in Ottawa in May.