Jun 09, 2008 18:54
I'm still in dire need of playtesters, so please, if you're interested and available, drop me a line in the comments below. My next round of playtests will be:
Wednesday, June 11th at 5:30 PM Pacific/8:30 PM Eastern
Wednesday, June 11that 8:30 PM Pacific/11:30 PM Eastern.
Saturday, June 14th at 1 PM Pacific/4 PM Eastern
Saturday, June 14th at 3 PM Pacific/6 PM Eastern
Testimony from those who've tried already say it's fun! Fun! You like fun, don't you? And it just keeps getting MORE fun! That's what playtesting is all about!
There are plenty of scenarios to be played, so even if you've played before, you can play again. Total time commitment is between an hour and an hour and a half.
Please? Oh, lord, please.