Dec 10, 2003 15:56
Alright folks, you may have noticed that I post once in a blue moon and there are some good reasons for this:
a.> I don't give a crap if someone knows about my personal life
b.> I honestly have no real reason to talk to people let alone type stuff for others to read (which i have a lengthy reason for this but i'm too lazy to write it all out.
c.> I usually can't put what i'm going through into proper context.
Well, currently I'm mopping up my 3rd College Semester and I have a full-time job AND I tutor retarded kids in Geometry (don't ask me why retards need to know what a polygon is... they just do.) On top of this, i'm running a campaign/World of my own making in a D20 Modern (super time consumption) and I want to be near Kat as much as I possibly can without destroying space and time to slow down the passing of minutes. Needless to say, I'm fucking ecstatic about the winter vacation and I swear to god if anyone from school even thinks about tacking on a "Winter Break" project, I shall slay them and their entire family using field mice covered in Uranium! Don't screw with me, i've done it before... It wasn't pretty and I got a 11th digit because of it.
*sigh* Needless to say, I'm about ready to pop ...
On a lighter note... uh... It's getting dark outside.