Lord Sigmund, Sir Capell, Edward, and Lady Svala - I would like to thank you all for being kind enough to share your household with me these past few days. You have all been incredible hosts and I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. However, it is time for me to take my leave of you, as my captain has arrived, and he has invited me to stay with him and our kinsmen at a house of their own. Though I am leaving, I would like to keep in touch with you all. Edward, Capell... you have both been great friends to me. If there is anything I can do to aid you in the future, I will be here.
Edge, I have gathered my things, though if you have changed your mind about that invitation, I will understand.
If you can see this, then I assume you are aware of the security measures these journals use. While I believe that with enough experimentation, I can discover these techniques on my own, but I have not the patience for failure at the moment. Would someone who can read this be able to teach me how to privatize things on these journals?