rambling on about the last few days

Oct 04, 2007 07:29

The last few days have went by so fast. Zola is one week old today! We have been acclimating as a family and she is intergrated into our family much more quickly than I thought. I don't think any of us can imagine life without her now. I am still laying low and spending most of my time in bed. My guts feel so squishy and move everywhere when I get up. Salem came over and tried to help me bind my belly so that the muscles would grow back together, it worked ok but then Zola pooped on the bindings. It is so much bondage that I don't think I can do it regularly.
Malila and Easy are going to the Ren Faire on Friday with Than. We downloaded the "educational" packet and looked to see if there were any interesting activities. Malila is excited about making a page boy costume to wear to the faire (Easy already has several medieval costumes I have made with him). I need to help her with that today, break out the sewing machine! Easy and Than spent about 4-5 hours creating a coat of arms together for our family. It was amazing to watch. I fell asleep soon after they began and then woke up to see the last couple hours of their interactions to finish their idea. Then they showed me the sketches from beginning to end. It is really cool. We made a schedule last night to try to accommodate everyones needs for the next week or so while we transition. Than needs to work from home for a while (so that he is nearby) but that means using the computer for 8 hours a day...we have one computer! So this was causing some chaos and arguments. Also the one house TV that we have has been moved to my room and that was creating some static as well. Plus the kids were feeling that they weren't getting enough running around outdoor play (they can't go out in our back without supervision because of the neighborhood). So we have adjusted things and it seems like a great short term solution. I wish we could just afford a laptop and another TV, lol. That would have solved the problems as well. Unfortunately that isn't possible right now. The kids got a new Naruto video and were into that for a day or so. Talking about wanting martial arts and to be ninjas etc. I told them if they are serious we can try out a class. I think they both might do it. By coincidence there is a one time self defense class being offered and then the possibility of weekly lessons. And it isn't too expensive ($10 for the 2 hr class). When Salem visited she brought her kids so all the kids got to play for a few hours, which was great. We haven't had time to be social lately. Malila had just learned about a new website from her cousin (who visited earlier that day) called Stardoll. So she and Ethan played that for a couple hours. Easy, Nala and Tren played with toys and created a fabulous world downstairs in the play room. So they were quite social Tuesday!
We utilized Border's educators discount this weekend, as much as we could afford. We got some great books, a few for now and a few to set aside (as surprises and presents). Malila was excited about the Warriors magna and a dream  interpretation dictionary. Easy got an Eye Spy book which are his favorite things these days. Malila has been reading Wind and the Willows out loud to Easy for several nights in a row. It is really sweet.
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