Pilot ideas....

May 25, 2006 21:44

As we all know, summer is the time that new shows begin production and test audiences give their opinions on new pilots... well I've developed a few ideas for shows and I want your opinions on them.... possibily i'll start scripting the most popular idea....

Idea One:
Show Title: The Restaurant (comedy/drama)
This show focuses on a young man from the big city who loses his college scholarships after the love of his life breaks his heart and his grades drop. He then returns home after a two year absence and is forced to work at his parents new restaurant to pay off his debts and save to return to school. The restaurant though is a small town redneck joint. Complete with hillbillies, old couples, toothless waitresses, cooks and a waitress who believes herself to be a witch. The show is about his struggle to accept his roots while trying to sort his life in his new surroundings.

Idea Two:
Show Title: Untitled Soap Project (Soap Opera)
This show focuses on two families, the Andrews and the Cranes. Both own the largest corporations, Crane Enterprises and Andrews Corp. The Crane family opens with the death of the CEO and his sons acceptance of the title, the company takes a drastic turn to the darkside thanks to the step mother of the son, Damien. The other family, Andrews struggles through a large divorce at the beginning of the show. The other characters include a model, lawyer, private detective, etc. Such storylines will include murder, pregnancy, miscarriage, betrayal, paternity, etc.

Idea Three:
Show Title: Spirits (drama)
Tells the story of a young womans struggle with the death of the only love in her life, her mother. Her move from her home into the home of her grandparents, a loving grandfather and a hateful grandmother. Eventually the heroine discovers that she has inherited something she had no idea about from her mother, the ability to speak to lost souls. But something evil is lurking, the souls of men have been taken by a dark force and her herritage has destined her to be the guardian between earth and heaven and hell, she must stop at nothing to destroy the evil and guide the souls to their final resting place...

Idea Four
Show Title: The Slayers (drama)
Four years after the battle in Sunnydale a young man obsessed with the story of Buffy stumbles upon a spell that enables him with the powers and abilities of a slayer forcing his old lover, once rogue slayer Faith, to contact him with the consequences of his actions. The show sets around an old demonology museum run by a watcher who trains both Faith and the new male slayer, Dylan. Joined soon by a snobby administrative liason between the museum and its mysterious benefactor (whom she also doubles as a spy), and the museums lonely janitor, both of whom figure out the secrets of the slayers and their watcher. The show is a struggle of the slayers to let go of their past experiences and the struggle of all of the characters to find belonging.

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